
In this edition of Lambda Lore, we highlight Ahmad Nassar from the University of Albany Associate Chapter. He held nearly every position in his small but growing chapter, shaping its recruitment, leadership, and branding. Now working in post-production in Manhattan, he credits Lambda for strengthening his leadership, communication, and design...

Against the backdrop of a busy holiday travel season, gamers from Hawaii to New York convened for an online Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament of skill, reflex, and strategy. The LFE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity, hosted an online event to kickstart their Giving Tuesday programming. Half of the tournament...

In this edition of Lambda Lore, we spotlight Tian Zhou from the Alpha Mu Chapter at Carnegie Mellon University who crossed in Fall 2023. Originally from China and raised in Philadelphia, Tian felt an instant connection with Lambda Phi Epsilon during the recruitment events and quickly embraced leadership as VP...

In this edition of Lambda Lore, we’re excited to feature Tanner Nguyen, who crossed in Fall 2016 at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and helped charter the chapter with his younger blood brother. From helping draft the chapter’s constitution to serving as pledge captain and Multicultural Greek Council President at his...

The Board of Directors for Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. announce the upcoming departure of the current Executive Director, Zac Antonius. Antonius is a Spring 2016 initiate of the Alpha Gamma Chapter of LFE at Baylor University. He was originally hired as the Assistant to the Executive Director at the...

Introducing Lambda Lore, our new interview series where we spotlight notable alumni and active brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon and explore how their fraternity experiences have shaped their lives both personally and professionally. Each month, we’ll bring you inspiring stories of leadership, brotherhood, and lasting impact. First up is Matthew Wright...

WEEKEND IN REVIEW   On June 9th through June 11th, brothers from across North America convened to celebrate fellowship, undergo training, conduct business, and celebrate the successes of the Fraternity. The 34th Annual Convention of Lambda Phi Epsilon brought together over 200 attendees to Dallas, Texas for a unique opportunity to network,...

The Lambda Phi Epsilon alumni network has such a diverse background with brothers internationally. Every month the LFE International Board will sit down with alumni to learn more about their backgrounds and what they are currently doing. For our inaugural interview, Director of Communications Jimmy Tran spoke with alumni from...

Lambda Phi Epsilon members traveled to Tampa, Florida for the annual summer LFE Convention. Over 160 brothers and guests checked into the Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore Hotel from June 24th to 26th, 2022.  This year's central theme of "Light the Way" sought to illuminate attendees with new perspectives for connection, innovation,...

Meet Dean Pham, the first Lambda Phi Epsilon Legal Intern The law firm of Tran Arrowsmith PLLC and Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. are excited to announce the first legal intern under the Lambda Phi Epsilon Legal Internship Program: Dean Pham, a second-year law student at Western State College of...

Lambda Phi Epsilon members recently convened to honor a monumental milestone for the International Fraternity’s 40th anniversary. Over 120 brothers and guests attended LFE Convention 2021 in person at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Nevada, adhering to COVID-19 guidelines shared by the county, state, and the CDC. An additional 175...

International Fraternity confers Presidential Volunteer Service Awards to inaugural cohort of recipients at Convention 2021 In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation established the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in shaping America. Led by the AmeriCorps and managed in partnership with Points...

The International Board of Lambda Phi Epsilon proudly announces its newest chapter at the Oklahoma State University (OkSt) and welcomes back the chapter at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The Oklahoma State University Associate Chapter was established on April 26th, 2021. Alumni mentors from the University of Oklahoma served as...

First National ‘Mental Health Action Day’ to Drive People to Take a First Mental Health Action for Themselves or Others Lambda Phi Epsilon announces its collaboration in the first-ever Mental Health Action Day, to beheld on Thursday, May 20 in partnership with more than 500 leading brands, nonprofits, government agencies, and...

Fraternal partners educate members, develop programming, engage industry experts, and talk prevention for Sexual Assault Awareness Month   In April 2021, the leadership of Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. (LFE) and Delta Epsilon Psi National Fraternity, Inc. (DEPsi) established a strategic partnership centered on sexual assault awareness and prevention to extend...

At Summit 2020, incoming officers of the Lambda Phi Epsilon International Board convened virtually over Zoom to onboard onto their leadership roles and set the strategic direction of the organization for the upcoming academic year....

The Board of Directors of Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity is pleased to announce a formal partnership with APIAVote. Recognized chapters will work closely with APIAVote Ambassadors at targeted universities to increase voter turnout for the 2020 United States election cycle. According to AAPI Data, “voting rates among Asian American adult...

Setting Strategic Priorities at International Leadership Summit 2019 Incoming officers of the Lambda Phi Epsilon International Board convened for Summit 2019 in New York City to review the strategic direction of the organization for the upcoming academic year. The Board of Directors led various aspects of the Summit agenda. International President William...

The North Carolina State University (NCSU) Associate Chapter hosted this year’s Southeast Brotherhood Rally (SEBR) on April 13, 2019 in Raleigh, NC. As a ludic reference to the Lunar New Year, the “Year of the P.I.G. (Performance in Greek Life)” centralized the theme of the weekend programming, provoking the interplay...

Lambda Phi Epsilon opens three new chapters this spring, marking a ten-percent growth in the roll of recognized chapters since Spring 2017. “This most recent growth is just the latest in a string of successful chartering projects across America in recent years. Add to this our Return to Sacramento State University...

Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity sent a delegation of seven staff members to the Association of Fraternity and Sorority Advisors’ Annual Meeting (AFAAM) in Atlanta, Georgia. Read what they had to say about their experience!...

Dr. Ajay Nair to Become President of Arcadia University The International Board of The Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. takes great pleasure in offering congratulations to Brother Ajay Nair, PhD, on his recent appointment as the 22nd President of Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania. “Dr. Nair has, throughout his career, exemplified...

By Brian Van Convening at the Capital This past weekend, members of the Lambda Phi Epsilon International Board gathered in the history-rich city of Washington, D.C. to work towards advancing the state of the fraternity. This annual Leadership Summit consisted of both returning board members and an array of new faces who...

By Cole Hermida In Eternal Brotherhood Convention marks a moment of celebration for everything accomplished the past year and everything that has yet to come. Convention ushers in new brothers who have joined over the past two semesters and welcomes in new chapters that have recently found a home on their respective...

San Diego, CA—Chapter Presidents convened in Orientation 2017 to discuss and vote on proposed amendments to the International Fraternity Constitution. By a unanimous vote of the House of Delegates, the International Fraternity has approved a resolution to retire the use of the term “colony” when referring to its newly chartered...

Storrs, CT—The International Board of Lambda Phi Epsilon is pleased to announce the successful chartering of its 63rd chapter at the University of Connecticut. “The Chapter and University were both a pleasure to work with over the span of the chartering process. UConn is truly a great institution for both...

Chicago, IL—Lambda Phi Epsilon at DePaul University hosted a registration drive in February for Be the Match in hopes of finding a match for Andrew Parial a Filipino American leukemia patient. Parial, an attorney, is located in Chicago with his wife and two children. He was diagnosed with monocytic leukemia...

By: Cole Hermida When Fred Chen first stepped out of college, there was an uncertainty of where he wanted to go next. Sure, he used the lessons he learned as an undergraduate to find a job that would pay the bills and put food on the table. However, he was still...

Message from the President On February 25th, 1981, nineteen young men made a decision to found a new fraternity. In starting Lambda Phi Epsilon, our Founding Fathers hoped to encourage personal growth, empower our communities, and create an extended family for men of Asian descent. Who could have imagined that on...

By Justin Lo (Undergraduate junior studying political science at North Carolina State University) An Atmosphere of Advocacy The East Coast Asian American Student Union (ECAASU) conference convenes every year for student leaders to address issues facing the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. This year, ECAASU was held in Raleigh, NC...

Passing the Baton By Brian Van (Undergraduate senior studying accounting and finance at DePaul University) The Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values (AFLV) hosts annual gatherings that bring together leaders of fraternity and sorority councils within different regions across North America. As the current president of the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) and...

By Cole Hermida When Robbie Ray returned home from a ten-day chiropractic mission in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, one thought was for certain—he aimed to make the world a better place. “I’m very fortunate for everything that I have in life. And I appreciate everything that I have,” Ray said, looking...

The Board of Directors of alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority and Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity are pleased to announce the joint appointment of Jim Gaffney as their inaugural Executive Director. Jim’s hiring becomes effective on January 9th, 2017. Jim Gaffney has worked extensively in the nonprofit arts and education...

Lambda Phi Epsilon charters on two more campuses in Fall 2016 The International Board of Lambda Phi Epsilon is pleased to announce the successful chartering of two new chapters this fall. “We on the Expansion Team are very excited to welcome these two new chapters to our ever growing roster. We...

"They See Me Rollin’" By Cole Hermida When summertime hits New York City, certain routines persist. The tall skyscrapers will reflect the hot sun, causing sweat to gather at the forehead. The streets will be crowded with a mixture of disgruntled CEOs, eccentric street performers, and confused tourists clamoring to get out...

Lambda Phi Epsilon partners with federal initiative to recognize outstanding volunteers New York, NY — Through a shared mission to inspiring more to answer the call to service, the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) celebrates the impact citizens can make in bettering their communities. Lambda Phi Epsilon has recently become a...

alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. and Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. are now seeking applications to hire their first Executive Director. Position Title: Executive Director of alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. and Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. Organization Background: The alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc., was founded...

By Cole Hermida “How do you defy greatly?” was a question posed by Marcus Regidor, incoming Director of Education for the Lambda Phi Epsilon International Board to his fellow teammates this past weekend at the annual Leadership Summit. Executive and Supporting Staff, consisting of over 30 volunteers, came from across the nation...

Forging the Future This past Memorial Day Weekend, Lambda Phi Epsilon chapters came rushing through the Sky Harbor Airport, entering the Grand Canyon State, in Phoenix, Arizona. Brothers convened for the Fraternity’s 27th Annual Convention at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Phoenix. Through a formalized partnership with sisters of alpha Kappa...

Lambda Phi Epsilon Expands to Loyola University Chicago Congratulations to our newest colony chapter at Loyola University Chicago! The founding class spans a diverse spectrum of Asian American and Pacific Islander ethnicities inclusive of Filipino, Indian, Chinese, and Vietnamese heritage. Comprising of six founding fathers, the LUC colony aspires to grow...

Last month, Lambda Phi Epsilon members at the University of Houston (Pi Chapter) organized a philanthropy event that raised much more money than they initially anticipated. Aptly named "Jugs for Hugs," active members deposited loose and spare change into water jugs between February 1st to 15th, 2016. College senior Micael Tran...

CottonBrew partners with Lambda Phi Epsilon to suit up the next generation of leaders Santa Clara, CA — Today, Lambda Phi Epsilon, the world's largest Asian-interest fraternity, and custom clothing company CottonBrew announce a partnership to educate and deliver perfect fitting suits for college students. Their selection of affordable stylish formal...

Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity staff traveled to the Association of Fraternity and Sorority Advisors' Annual Meeting (AFAAM). The event took place in Fort Worth, Texas this year where Lambda Phi Epsilon sent eight International Board officers to discuss, reflect, and motivate the changing dynamics of the fraternal experience. Hear...

By Andy Yang Reviving a chapter is no simple task. It takes a brotherhood forged of unity over a shared belief in values to rise from adversity and inspire a new era. Many chapters face this challenge during their lifetime, and those who succeed leverage the uncertainty in the future as...

Announcing Partnership with GreekBill and memberplanet TORRANCE, CA (October 22, 2015) – Lambda Phi Epsilon, the world’s largest Asian interest fraternity, announced today that they have partnered with GreekBill and memberplanet to provide a comprehensive billing and membership management solution for its chapters. “As a growing fraternal organization we face the concurrent challenges...

Largest Asian-interest sorority and fraternity formally declare partnership for strategic planning Chicago, IL — alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc. (“aKDPhi”) and Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. (“LFE”) announced a formal partnership between the two organizations effective immediately. This marks a historic milestone in the Asian-interest fraternal movement as...

By Justin Lau On August 16th, the fraternity's Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions hosted a summer field day event at Queens Corona Park, NY. The summer activities, collectively known as "Lambda Olympics," aimed to unite active and alumni members over athletic and social interaction. The day consisted of basketball, football, and other...

Lambda Phi Epsilon Selects First Female Officers The leadership of Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. is thrilled to announce the creation and selection of two new International Board officers. Victoria Chan, M.Ed. and Brenda Dang, Esq. begin their roles as Director of Chapter Development and Director of Administration effective immediately. Their...

Forward with Purpose Over a hundred Lambda Phi Epsilon active and alumni members arrived in Chicago, IL during Memorial Day Weekend for the fraternity's 26th Annual Convention. Following a ceremonial kick-off on Friday evening, active fraternity members worked in tandem with alpha Kappa Delta Phi to organize over $2000 worth of...

Asian Pacific American Heritage Foundation Names David Kim Winner of 2015 Heritage Award For Immediate Release San Francisco — Asian American Pacific (APA) Heritage Foundation named David Kim one of three winners of the 2015 Asian Pacific American Heritage Award. The most prestigious of its kind in the San Francisco Bay Area, the award celebrates...

Earlier this week, Robert Handa of NBC Bay Area News interviewed Lambda Phi Epsilon alumnus Cao Pham on his selfless experience with donating bone marrow. Joined with Ruby Law, Recruitment Director of the Asian American Donor Program (AADP), the three discussed the importance of getting Asian Pacific American community members...

Jack Phoummarath Memorial Scholarship To honor the memory of one of our fallen brothers, Lambda Phi Epsilon will offer financial support for undergraduate members to attend the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI), a program run by the North-American Interfraternity Conference. The goal of this scholarship is twofold: 1) To assist in the endeavors...

Now is the time to apply for Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) summer internships and scholarships! These paid opportunities are open to all majors and are suited for those looking to gain federal government experience. Curious to learn more about CAPAL? We interviewed Alex Tran, a recent alumnus of Lambda...

Article by Evan Pham. Rituals to Jumpstart Your Morning It’s Monday, 7:30 am. I’m on the train heading to work. I seem like the only one stoked to tackle the day. That one guy bobbing his head up and down to some tunes, dancing his way up the stairs, and racking his...

6D Global Technologies Opens Trade on NASDAQ Tejune Kang (ΛΦΕ alumnus from Beta Chapter at UC Davis) embraced an opportunity in 2004 to start his own company, Six Dimensions (, a subsidiary of 6D Global Technologies, Inc. ( Armed with Silicon Valley's famed entrepreneurial spirit, Kang focused primarily on providing business...

Brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon at Baruch College storm the stage after winning the first place trophy at Triple S, an annual campus-wide showcase of step, stroll, and salute. Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity and Lambda Pi Upsilon Sorority organized the campus-wide event to raise proceeds for New Yorkers For Children,...

Earlier this October, Canadian senior Jeffrey Liu received more than just a generous scholarship to fund his interest in Finnish Studies. Liu shook hands and met with His Excellency Sauli Niinistö, President of the Republic of Finland, at an award ceremony hosted by the University of Toronto. Upon recognizing a...

Lambda Phi Epsilon at the University of Oklahoma presented a dynamic performance for their university’s annual homecoming rally. Partnering up with local chapters of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Phi Kappa Psi, the all-star team won the dance competition’s first place victory and the overwhelming roar of the...

Unlocking Your Son's Fullest Potential   Dear Parents and Guardians: We commend you for taking the time to research what could be one of the most rewarding aspects of your son’s college experience: fraternity life. Your dedication is a large part of why your son made it to college and is now seeking...