23 Oct Commending AADP on 30 Years of Saving Lives
The Lambda Phi Epsilon Board of Directors commends its partners at the Asian American Donor Program (AADP) on three decades of diversifying the Be The Match Registry. AADP is dedicated to increasing the availability of potential blood stem cell donors for patients with life-threatening diseases curable with a stem cell transplant. AADP’s 30th-year celebration brought together donors, patients, and community leaders to commemorate saving the lives of over 600 patients in need of a transplant.
“It was insightful to learn about the early years of AADP and the challenges of recruiting potential donors for minorities and multi-ethnic groups who have a substantially lower chance of finding a match. Thanks to our Theta Chapter alumnus Yul Kwon and late brother Evan Chen, we were introduced to the organization in 1995 and continue to organize bone marrow drives with AADP to this day,” says Alumni Coordinator Cao Pham. “10 years ago I donated my stem cells soon after signing up for the registry, and AADP made sure that the process was as smooth as possible, from getting tests done to the actual donation date. I am very thankful to them that I get to share this experience with others who aren’t so sure about the donation process and to bring more awareness about bone marrow and stem cells to our communities.”
Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. is proud to sponsor a milestone celebration event for the Asian American Donor Program! #BeTheMatch https://t.co/vamRSJIE6i pic.twitter.com/EIObxw0gSs
— Lambda Phi Epsilon (@LFEfraternity) October 24, 2020
“I was fortunate to have been in the same virtual space as so many enriching and powerful speakers,” says Director of Programming Ian Galope. “Having organized marrow registration drives during my undergraduate days, I was impressed to see the level of innovation and entertainment in fundraising for a stellar cause.”
While college students remain quarantined from shelter-in-place orders, chapters may still organize their own marrow registration drives online by redirecting new donors through the International Fraternity’s referral link: https://join.bethematch.org/LFE. Joining the Be The Match Registry means volunteering to be listed as a potential blood stem cell donor, ready to save the life of any patient in need of a transplant.
About Lambda Phi Epsilon
Founded in 1981 in Los Angeles, California, Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. has grown to become the world’s largest Asian-interest fraternity. Lambda Phi Epsilon (ΛΦΕ, also known as LFE) aims to guide men on a lifelong discovery of authenticity and personal growth. To learn more, visit https://lambdaphiepsilon.com.
Lambda Phi Epsilon Contact
Zac Antonius, Executive Director
Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc.
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