03 Aug Summit 2017
By Brian Van
Convening at the Capital
This past weekend, members of the Lambda Phi Epsilon International Board gathered in the history-rich city of Washington, D.C. to work towards advancing the state of the fraternity. This annual Leadership Summit consisted of both returning board members and an array of new faces who came from all across the nation to discuss strategic plans for the upcoming year. Various facilitators opened meaningful discussions about the history of Greek-lettered organizations, annual objectives, risk management, the code of conduct, and the importance of working with college professionals. These meaningful discussions opened doors towards the impact of the team’s actions and how it plays a significant role in the board members bettering one another.
“In the place of a parent” was a point Victoria Chan-Frazier, Director of Chapter Development stated, as she presented on the importance of working with campus professionals alongside Charles Andrean, Director of Alumni Services. “In locos parentis” is Latin for “in the place of a parent,” which highlights the important role that Lambda Phi Epsilon, as a formative organization, plays in the development of men who choose to join and embark on the journey becoming a brother. From college professionals to chapter brothers and the International Board, the board must be able to identify the importance of how it influences the lives of those around it.
In understanding the expectations of the weekend, Executive Director Jim Gaffney reminded the board that “bonding is a big part of what we’re trying to do at Summit, but we’re also here to work.” This mindset motivated fraternity leadership to build strong interpersonal relations to facilitate the completion of ambitious objectives and key results expected during the year. “With new faces introduced to the personnel, we received different perspectives and nuanced ideas that added refreshing depth to our discussions,” says Midwest Governor Kent Tse.
As this year’s Leadership Summit came to a close, fraternity officers left Washington, D.C. with newfound relationships and a passion for continued service towards the fraternity. With gleaming confidence, the International Board will be prepared to work with its undergraduate chapters in revolutionizing Lambda Phi Epsilon.
Announcing 2017-18 International Board
Board of Directors
- President: William Tan
- Internal Vice President: Joe Vo
- External Vice President: Jason Lau
- Secretary: Victor Em
- Treasurer: Michael Liang
Executive Staff
- Executive Director: James Gaffney
- Director of Alumni Services: Charles Andrean
- Director of Communications: Bryan Dosono
- Director of Education: Joshua Wells
- Director of Expansion: Andrew Chen
- Director of Operations: Tony Tran
- Director of Programming: Tony Chao
- Director of Standards and Assessment: Rob Chan
Alumni Team
- Alumni Coordinator: Christopher Chen
Communications Team
- Director of Administration: Brenda Dang
- Public Relations Coordinator: Cole Hermida
- Public Relations Coordinator: Charles Lyang
- Public Relations Coordinator: Brian Van
Education Team
- Education Administrator: Anthony Dao
- Education Administrator: Alex Nguyen
- Education Administrator: Vang Xiong
- Education Administrator: Albert Zhou
Expansion Team
- Expansion Coordinator: Jonathan Choe
- Expansion Coordinator: Justin Lau
Operations Team
- Director of Chapter Development: Victoria Chan-Frazier
- Mid-Atlantic Governor: Marvin Sukhhiran
- Midwest Governor: Kent Tse
- Northeast Governor: Peter Chung
- Southeast Governor: Ryan Noble
- Southwest Governor: David Kim
- West Coast Governor: Jeffrey Wang
Programming Team
- Programming Coordinator: Billy Nguyen
- Programming Coordinator: Jonathan Wong
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