27 May Convention 2019
Weekend in Review
Every Memorial Day Weekend, brothers from all parts of North America convene to celebrate fellowship, to undergo training, to conduct business, and to celebrate the successes of the Fraternity. The 30th Annual Convention of Lambda Phi Epsilon brought together over 380 attendees to Baltimore, Maryland for a unique opportunity to network, enjoy brotherhood, grow and develop as men, and move the Fraternity forward.
Friday brought together first-timers to welcome them to their first Convention, spark new relationships, and set expectations for the weekend. Following the brotherhood kick-off on Friday evening, attendees of both Lambda Phi Epsilon and alpha Kappa Delta Phi convened for the first keynote speaker, Jake Choi, a former semi-professional basketball player turned actor. Facilitated by Justin Lo, a Fall 2016 initiate of the North Carolina State University Associate Chapter, and Jennifer Jin, a Fall 2013 initiate of the Eta Chapter of aKDPhi at the University of Texas at Austin, Choi took part in a guided keynote discussion with topics ranging from breaking into the entertainment industry as an Asian American male, finding acceptance within the LGBTQ community and society at large, and fostering self confidence to overcome imposter syndrome. Both organizations concluded the evening with a philanthropic clothing drive that resulted in the contribution of hundreds of articles of clothing donated to Goodwill.
Saturday began with a State of Affairs presentation to the membership presented by Joe Vo, a Spring 2008 initiate of the University of Georgia, Alpha Chi Chapter. Following the session, attendees of both organizations convened to listen to the second keynote speaker, Chieh Huang, a Spring 2000 initiate of the Johns Hopkins University Upsilon Chapter. Brother Huang was awarded the 2019 Man of the Year Award for having distinguished himself in the business world while exemplifying the values of Lambda Phi Epsilon. He discussed a variety of topics, including his steps to being successful as an entrepreneur and the keys to a successful career in business. After breaking for lunch, the afternoon broke out into various workshops with topics ranging from professional development to running chapter operations. Later on in the evening, attendees gathered for the Banquet Ceremony to recognize scholarship recipients, chapter achievements, and collective talents that culminated in another year of unprecedented success.
The Sunday activities began with chapter promotion presentations throughout the morning, followed by a lunch buffet for brothers to socialize and connect more deeply with those in their regions. Following lunch was the House of Delegates meeting where chapter delegates elected new Board of Directors officers, confirmed the Flag of the Fraternity, and passed legislation in the form of fraternal standards for the general membership. The Brotherhood Showcase signaled the final event of Sunday evening that concluded with active status announcements. Congratulations to the newly promoted chapters: Beta Alpha Chapter at Northeastern University, Beta Beta Chapter at the University of Texas at Arlington, and Beta Gamma Chapter at Syracuse University!
2019 Award Recipients
Chapter Achievements
- Outstanding Philanthropy Program: Zeta Chapter, University of Texas at Austin
- Outstanding Communications Program: North Carolina State University Associate Chapter
- Outstanding Asian Advocacy Program: Alpha Beta Chapter, New York University
- Chapter of the Year: University of Nebraska–Lincoln Associate Chapter
- Chapter Promotions: Beta Alpha Chapter, Northeastern University; Beta Beta Chapter, University of Texas, Arlington; Beta Gamma Chapter, Syracuse University
Individual Achievements
- Man of the Year: Chieh Huang, John Hopkins University
- Rising Leader Among Men Scholarship: Dimetrius Anderson, Syracuse University
- Academic Excellence Scholarship: Brady Pham, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- Lambda of the Year Scholarship: Hein San, Syracuse University
- Volunteer of the Year: Justin Lo, North Carolina State University
- Officer of the Year: Vang Xiong, Stanford University
- Distinguished Service Award: Kyle Jordan, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity
Alumni Activities
Throughout Convention, fraternity alumni took part in various breakout sessions, keynote addresses, and signature social events throughout the weekend. A dedicated track of alumni-oriented workshops ranging from personal finance to travel hacking also provided valuable content for recent graduates in attendance. Friday night began with an alumni brotherhood excursion followed by a night out at Federal Hill. On Saturday, Johns Hopkins University alumni hosted a crab feast along the Inner Harbor. Saturday evening’s organized mixer with aKDPhi Alumnae Association took place at Power Plant Live. On the final day of Convention 2019, the Florida Regional Graduate Chapter hosted a tour at the Sagamore Spirit Distillery before regrouping with the active division at the closing reception’s Brotherhood Showcase.
About Lambda Phi Epsilon
Founded in 1981 at the University of California at Los Angeles, Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc. has grown to become the world’s largest Asian-interest fraternity. Lambda Phi Epsilon (ΛΦΕ, also known as LFE) aims to guide men on a lifelong discovery of authenticity and personal growth. To learn more, visit https://lambdaphiepsilon.com.
Lambda Phi Epsilon Contact
James Gaffney, Executive Director
Lambda Phi Epsilon International Fraternity, Inc.
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